Gurdjieff Sufi Dances & Ideas – The Three Centers
The Gurdjieff dances are a path of transformation through movement.
Gurdjieff’s “4th Way” offers a practical way to fulfil our potential, to connect to our inner Being.
It’s a complete system, with dances, philosophy, cosmology, and various meditations.
In this workshop, we will study the human being’s four centers – Body, Mind, and Heart. We will practice the dances, study texts, and experience the meditations. We will work together as a group to study what it is to be human.
The dances serve as our experimental ‘playground’. Each dance has its own music and choreography, so each dance invites us to experience a different quality, a different side of ourselves. Each dance offers us a different way of Being.
Everything that happens in the workshop will be our meditation – the movements, the music, the readings, the discussions, the work of the group. Everything is “food” for our observation, for our learning.
Anyone can join. No special background is necessary.
If you’d like to get updates on future events, join our silent group:
*** Who is the teacher? ***
Nimrod Tom Oren has been teaching movement, meditation, and experiential therapy for over 15 years. He has travelled the world looking for practices that have retained their essence and potency. He is the founder of a conscious, ecological and expressive community in central Portugal.
He offers these practices as a path of healing and inner-change, methods which he has found useful for himself, as well as for many others.
*** When and where? ***
Saturday & Sunday, March 9th and 10th
Saturday – from 10:00 until 18:00
Sunday – from 10:00 until 16:30
>> The workshop is offered as a process. You can either join the first day, or both.
In SerVivo, a dance community in Palmela (30 minutes from Lisbon):
*** Food and Accommodations ***
Food –
We will break for lunch every day around ~1-2pm.
You can:
– Order a delicious vegan lunch for 12 euros (pre-order at least 2 days in advance)
– Use the SerVivo kitchen to heat or cook your own meals.
Accommodation and other meals –
If you wish to spend the night in SerVivo, or join the community meals, please email .
Keep in mind availability is limited, it is best to reserve sooner than later.
*** Cost? ***
Early bird prices are until March 1st
Early bird –
One day 60 Euros
Two days 100 Euros
Afterwards –
One day 70 Euros
Two days 110 Euros
Guest week participants and SerVivo volunteers receive a 10 euro discount (per day).
< This workshop is offered as service for those who wish to truly work on themselves. If you want to come but can’t afford it, let us know >
*** Registration ***
Spots are reserved after transferring a 30 euro deposit, either by bank transfer or credit card
Contact us and we’ll send payment details
whatsapp/telegram: +972-54-4496279
telephone: +351-913302642